Mothers who Make (UK) is a grass roots, international initiative, dedicated to supporting mothers that hold the dual roles of mother and artist.
Every kind of maker is welcome – professional and/or passionate – in any discipline and at any stage on their creative paths – writers, painters, performers, film makers, dancers, producers, musicians, crafters…
Every kind of mother is welcome – biological, adoptive, step, surrogate, foster, bereaved, grand, great grand, to be ….
Children of any age are encouraged to attend too and are integrated into the meeting, for the dual roles of mother and artist are recognised and given equal value within all MWM and Mères Créatives events.
Dates to be announced
10 participants/session (children and adults included).
Maison de la Famille
12 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud
Buzzer “C”.
suggested donation of 5€ per session
Excluding 10€ annual membership*
*Only one membership is required, even if you have several children.
Average score
Published reviews
Song and Stories
Ces ateliers sont géniaux! Les séances sont bien rythmées, on s’immerge et on s’habitue à la sonorité de la langue puisque toute la session se déroule en anglais. On enrichit son vocabulaire et améliore sa prononciation à travers des jeux interactifs, des chansons, des flashcards et des lectures d’histoires. Les animatrices sont “natives” et très dynamiques grâce à leur profil “théâtre”.
Notre fille se 4 ans a beaucoup appris en s’amusant. Elle a suivi l’atelier Sing and Play cette année et auparavant Song and Stories.
Cours de théâtre
Je crois avoir compris que vous faites des ateliers “théâtre”. Cela m’interresse, je suis adulte avec un anglais intermédiaire. Merci. Cordialement.
Nice activity for babies
It was a very nice activity for my son, and it’s all speak in English, the teacher is very nice and professional, she lead the babies to dance and to sing, my son enjoyed a lot, i appreciated this activity.